It was another great, busy week! Today we found out about transfers for tomorrow! I am staying in Lockhart and receiving a new companion and Hermana Hale is going to Lake Travis! I'm sad that she is leaving but wish her the best of luck! She will do great things! We've had a GREAT six weeks together and have learned and been through so much! I will miss her lots!
On Monday it was RJ's birthday and he turned 14! I made him some brownies and we bought pizza for him and called his dad and grandma and planned to surprise him for his birthday! RJ really wanted us to come over and have a family night/celebration for his birthday! It turned out to be really fun and he really enjoyed having us over and couldn't stop talking about his baptism that was coming up on Saturday!
Tuesday we went to Gonzales and biked around all day and came across some great people and were able to share a message with them. That night we went to the Briggs house and had dinner with them. Sister Briggs made us pancakes with NUTELLA........YUMM! I haven't had pancakes for a little while because of all the Mexican food and BBQ! The Briggs daughter Nieva read us her favorite story from the children's Book of Mormon stories. She is so cute and only 3 years old!
Wednesday we had district meeting and Hermana Hale gave her first training! She did really well! After that RJ came and had his baptism interview with our district leader! Then We went to do some service for a woman named Lucy! Her husband is going through some health issues and so Lucy has been trying to take care of him. We went over and cleaned her house! I loved being able to serve her and her husband. We just showed up at her house and told her to put us to work! We spent a good two and a half hours there and she was so happy afterwards which made us happy!
Thursday we had exchanges and our sister training leader Sister Howard came to Lockhart and was my companion for the day and Sister Hale went to Kyle with Sister Howard's companion and spent the day out there with her! We had a lesson that night with Primitivo and we taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we need to have faith in Him, repent, be baptized, relieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End! I was the only one who could speak Spanish to him but I was able to teach Sister Howard a few things before the lesson so she could say some stuff to him. It was a really spiritual lesson and he felt the spirit so strong and told us he wants to be baptized! We tried to set a date with him but he doesn't know his work schedule right now so he's going to find that out! He is so amazing!
On Friday we had a Stake Pioneer Day festival! The whole stake got together that night and did a lot of fun things! There were a lot of missionaries there and we all invited as many people as we could including our investigators! It was so much fun and a lot of people showed up and were able to meet some of our members! During the festival they held some events and all of the wards/branches competed against each other! The missionaries all joined in to represent there wards/branches and it was great! Towards the end all of our members wanted me to represent our branch for the pie eating contest! We couldn't eat it with our hands! That was the messiest I've ever been while trying to eat something! Well, I got 4th place out of the whole Stake! Hermana Mann was proud but very sick afterwards! That night we all watched fireworks! It was so great to see some of our less active families and investigators there!
Saturday finally came and it was time for RJ's BAPTISM!!! We got to our stake center early to fill up the font and set things up. RJ showed up and guess who was with him!? HIS DAD!!! RJ's friend Christian was able to baptize him! (Christian is preparing to go on a mission soon) The service was amazing and RJ was beaming with light as he came up out of the water. Something that touched my heart was while RJ was going into the font Robert (RJ's dad) turned to us with tears in his eyes and said, "my heart is full and I'm so proud of my son!" Then he said, "I want to learn more so I can be baptized too!" (MIRACLE) That was such a special night and the spirit was so strong! On Sunday RJ was confirmed a member and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and he also received the Aaronic Priesthood! This upcoming Thursday he is going to the temple with the youth in our branch! We are so excited for him!!
This week has been an amazing week! Many MIRACLES happened and it was so great to see RJ get baptized and just see how happy he is! I know that this church is true with all my heart! I know Heavenly Father is aware of us and is there for us always! He knows us best and will never leave us alone!
"Rooted In Christ"
Because we don’t know when or how our own challenges will come, or how long our personal seasons of winter or summer will last, we should set down our roots as deeply as we can into the only true source of nourishment for our souls, the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants our lives to be abundant. He invites us to come unto Him. He said, “Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me” (D&C 19:23). We build strength of soul to weather the storms of our lives by learning of Him. We learn by study and by prayer. We learn by watching righteous examples. We learn as we serve others in order to serve Him (see Matthew 25:40). We learn as we seek to emulate Him in any way we can. Listening means heeding and hearkening, not just hearing. We listen to Him in private scripture study. We listen in sacrament meeting and in the temple. We hear Him in the “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). We listen to Him in the voice of living prophets and apostles. Careful listening reminds us that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We strengthen our roots with incremental, one-step-at-a-time growth. As we listen, we follow the path He walked. He is the path that leads to the abundant life, and He is the light that illuminates it (see John 8:12).
-Elder L. Whitney Clayton
I Love y'all and hope you have a great week!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Mann